AQUA started as an ambitious idea to promoting the economy and foot traffic in up-and-coming neighborhoods. As the business flourish our efforts has been successfully supported by the same community we love, and it has been a wonderful journey as we strive to provide the highest level of service to our supporters.

Murad Centar

Riješite se neželjenih dlačica depilacijom voskom, šećernom pastom ili trajno uklonite do 70% dlačica s intenzivnim pulsirajućim

Murad Centar

Opustite um i tijelo uz opuštajuće masaže te učvrstite mišiće i razgibajte tijelo uz medicinske masaže profesionalnih

Murad Centar

Profesionalni dr. Murad tretmani namijenjeni su rješavanju određenih problema kože kao što su akne, pjegice, bore, celulit ili

Murad Centar

Punjenje bora i usana hijaluronskim filerima radi liječnica s 14 godina iskustva u pomlađivanju te modeliranju i zatezanju lica s


Please book in advance to get the best service from us. We wishing you a great day.

Contact Details
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Opentime:    8:00am -11:30am  /  2:00pm-5:30pm  /  7:00pm-10:00pm